Be in control of your own campaigns
We provide self-serve access to trusted clients. With this access it's possible to launch and run your campaigns without us assisting you. For trusted clients we are also able to provide an autonomous approval protocol. Furthermore we are able to give our clients custom pixels (which mention the self-serve users’ name IN the pixel)
Self-serve DSP
In comparison to other ‘big’ self-serve platforms (which often offer both disciplines - mobile and desktop - in one platform), what exactly is the added value of a platform that originated as a mobile-first tool – as opposed to a desktop-first tool? As any specialist will tell, the programmatic mobile landscape is different from the programmatic desktop landscape. While desktop landscape only revolves around HTML5 and web scripts, mobile landscape is mostly based on an in-app environment (being that about 80% of mobile activity is in-app). Apps and mobile sites have a different building structure. Most information (which can be used for campaign targeting purposes) comes from in-app behavior. Examples of this are GPS, Touch and Motion/Direction Sensors.
In some ways, the actual coding behind the disciplines can be compared to widely different programming languages such as Windows, Android and iOS. Even though many ‘big’ players are trying to incorporate both disciplines (desktop and mobile) in one platform, the number of variables (targeting/reporting/inventory) are so diverse that platforms who specialize in mobile are better equipped for programmatic mobile advertising campaigns (and vice versa). We offer self-serve access to Demand Side Platforms that specialize and focus on mobile. Using a dedicated mobile platform simply enhances the possibility of running profitable mobile advertising campaigns. We offer self-serve access to Demand Side Platforms that specialize and focus on mobile. Using a dedicated mobile platform enhances the possibility of running profitable mobile advertising campaigns.