Artificial Intelligence helping your mobile advertising campaign
We utilize, improve and work with algorithms that are based and build on Logistic Regression principles. The technique is accepted and believed to be the current – most powerful - code structure for programmatic display advertising algorithms. The technique is considered to be a form of machine learning (or; Artificial Intelligence).
Logistic Regression
How does it work?
An algorithm – working to improve a programmatic (mobile) advertising campaign - based on logistic regression, uses campaign learning from the past to improve it’s effectiveness. It learns while the campaign is live and optimizes autonomously. Location, device, publisher, time, operating system, demographic data, ad size: these are just some of the variables which can autonomously be optimized on. Quite interestingly, and very often, unexpected targeting configurations determine an actual conversion. Hence the necessity for machine learning algorithms/logistic regression. Because there are so many variables to optimize on, logistic regression based algorithms are a necessity for proper optimization.
Especially when it comes to programmatic mobile advertising. It is our believe that algorithms based on Logistic Regression principles are the most capable algorithms in use for programmatic display advertising, today.
See an article about logistic regression - of a Targetoo team member - in The Drum.