Performance based mobile advertising
welcome to performance based mobile advertising
For a few years now, the desktop originated campaign set-up called ‘performance' has been active and applicable on mobile inventory. It has, however, been a slow start. Why? Because the acceptance of a mobile phone as a device to be used for online shopping (conversions), is still in its early stages. Although not often, performance campaigns - run on mobile inventory /devices - can be profitable (without using incentivized traffic/inventory).
Performace Based Advertising
Different campaign goals require different algorithms. A performance algorithm can be different from a normal branding (or CPM) algorithm. That is why we utilize a dedicated performance algorithm for performance campaigns. It is both our experience and belief that algorithms, tailored to a specific focus or discipline, are more effective and have a bigger chance of making a performance campaign profitable. In most cases we use algorithms that are based on Logistic Regression principles.
If you are looking for more downloads of your app, more sales of your product or any other form of online conversion; performance-based campaigns on mobile inventory are a possible profitable marketing tool.
If you want to read more about Performance campaigns on mobile devices,
download our in-depth whitepaper.