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Performance Based Advertising on mobile devices

performance based advertising

Performance Based Advertising – the basics

It’s a hot topic. Mobile will be – or already is – the biggest channel for online purchases. A significant amount of research suggests that various countries have passed the tipping point of having more online purchases via mobile devices compared to desktop and tablet. While a couple of years ago researchers concluded that the mobile device is mainly used for product orientation; today, the majority of actual purchases are being performed on mobile devices. Secondarily there is the fact that apps play a huge role in today’s shopping behaviour. Brands have their own apps, online shops have their own apps and in many cases a product is simply an app. In this whitepaper we explore the status quo concerning Performance Based Advertising within the mobile channel. 

Clothes, groceries, electrical equipment, sport related products, health products, travel or finance products; it doesn’t matter what the product is, theoretically it can be bought using a mobile device. Just like almost every product can be bought online using a desktop, laptop or tablet. The purchases (or; conversions) can be stimulated by different online marketing tools. Performance Based Advertising means that a tech vendor (of a certain marketing tool) will only get paid a fixed amount for every conversion that is achieved. With this, the risk for the product owner (or; shop) is practically zero.



How big is the threat of the digital advertising market being swallowed by Google and Facebook?

facebook and google

Should we worry?

Everybody in digital marketing has heard - or participated in - a discussion about Google and Facebook swallowing the Programmatic Advertising sector. Facebook has it’s obvious own/exclusive inventory and Google's Double Click Bid Manager (DBM) tries to offer the greatest amount of inventory by simply integrating with a lot of available inventory sources (a recent integration with Out Of Home Programmatic supplier is a perfect example of this strategy). So; as an owner of a Programmatic Advertising company I ask myself, are we in danger? Will big media agencies (our clients) – when it comes to programmatic advertising – only deal with Google and Facebook in, let’s say, 10 years? Our professional perspective? No.

We (Targetoo) work for several media agencies around the world. Often we get the question; what is your added value in comparison to Google’s Double Click Bid Manager (DBM)? It’s a relevant question. In some cases, we can not offer added value (apart from delivering services through DBM for a client who wishes to use DBM – utilizing our knowledge). Over the years Google's Programmatic Advertising Infrastructure has initiated and completed a lot of integrations with well-known inventory and data sources (Adexchanges/SSP's/DMP's). As of today, I can acknowledge the fact that – when it comes to the amount of global inventory – Google is getting ahead.

Facebook is a different story. We know media agencies who have shifted their programmatic buying almost entirely to Facebook's Ads Manager. It appears a logical choice because everybody is one Facebook right? Well, not entirely. For starters; although results of research differ, it’s fair to state that, globally, on average, a person spends 22 minutes on Facebook per day. Other research shows that, on average, a person spends 118 minutes a day online. Furthermore, 81% of this time is spent on a mobile device and only 19% on a desktop or laptop.

This means that, although time spent on Facebook is far bigger than any other publisher (youtube comes second), it’s still not even near the time spent on all other publishers. And here’s the thing, more people access the ‘general’ internet (and it’s publishers) than they do Facebook.

The point is that, although Facebook is immensely important in day-to-day online marketing, the reach a strong Demand Side Platform (DSP) can offer is still much larger and more diverse. Secondarily it’s worth mentioning that average CPM’s are relatively high for Facebook inventory. Because of this, we see that allocating large amounts of the client's budget to social, is not the way to go. It’s quantity and targeting options definitely make it an essential online marketing tool to have in your programmatic display arsenal. But available impressions in/on all other publishers (general internet) are inherently cheaper and available in much bigger numbers (although some might say you can't compare the two). So in summary; pricing for Facebook Advertising is relatively high and reach is limited (how immense it may be).

 Back to Google; with DBM you can serve ads on hundreds of thousands of apps and websites (desktop or mobile). One might say that by using Googles’ DBM and Facebooks' Ads Manager, you can reach the biggest part of the world’s inventory. This is correct. However, and here it is, the success of a programmatic display advertising campaign most often lies in local expertise and campaign execution based on that expertise. Also, DBM does not allow geo-fences to be smaller than 1 mile. A dedicated Mobile DSP does (as small as 10 meters).

The success of a programmatic display advertising campaign most often lies in local expertise and campaign execution based on that expertise.

Local integrations with local inventory sources. Local (premium) publishers. Local advertising laws. Brand safety. The speed of service. General knowledge. Either using DBM or another Programmatic Buying Platforms; local knowledge is key. And being that local integrations (Adexchanges/SSP's/DMP's) are not something Google is in front of, a local specialist can jump in this gap by offering smart, fast and simple integration services.

Campaign objectives are so diverse that there is no ‘one’ platform that suits all desires. There will probably never be one, and there will always be room for the specialized companies that focus on a specific discipline, a local market or just have outstanding service. So to all the small tech vendors that are out there and feeling the heat of Facebook and Google, I say this: Facebook only sells/distributes its own inventory. Although this inventory is huge, it’s still just Facebook inventory, let alone it’s very pricey. Google can never offer better local expertise and tech than existing specialists can. Campaign strategies are different for every client/brand, every location has it’s own technical- and campaign possibilities. There will always be room for the fast moving, smart operating, (relatively) small Programmatic Specialists. Simply because successful campaigns need them.

Find out more at

What is Moment Marketing?

Moment Marketing

Moment Marketing, what is it?

In a world of ever-changing marketing trends, one of the most exciting and interesting developments is in moment marketing. If you’re currently unaware of what this is or are interested in solidifying your knowledge, this article will explain all of the most important details.

As well as this, we’ll be covering how it can be used specifically with mobile advertising as well as some specific examples for you to examine.

Without further ado, let’s find out more about moment marketing.

What Is Moment Marketing?

Moment marketing is a relatively recent development that has only been around for the last few years. However, despite how young it is, it’s grown rapidly, thanks in part to the rising usage of social media.

In essence, moment marketing is the method of using a recent event to your advantage and turning it into an advertising opportunity. This may include everything from a large sporting event to a concert and allows companies to create relevant, targeted interactions with consumers.

Because of this, moment marketing is sometimes referred to as “real-time marketing” and, due to the nature of the strategy, requires rapid reaction and efficiency to be effective. 

Best Examples Of Moment Marketing

The best way to explain moment marketing is by looking at it in action. This will show some great examples of how live events can be turned into an advertising opportunity.

Emirates Airlines

In April 2017, United Airlines made headlines for all of the wrong reasons when Dr David Dao was dragged off an overbooked plane.

To rub salt into the wounds even further, competitor Emirates Airline reacted brilliantly by quickly posting a video on Twitter with the ending caption ‘Fly the friendly skies...This time for real’. 

Not only did this allow Emirates to increase brand awareness at a time when airlines and their practices were under the spotlight, it simultaneously combated United Airlines boss, who had previously claimed Emirates “weren’t a real airline.”

This tweet eventually got well over 10,000 retweets and 15,000 likes, which is some serious engagement. 

Snickers - The Suárez bite

Every four years, the football world cup takes place and attracts audiences, which have risen as high as 260 million. As a result, marketing teams are keener than ever to capitalise on this to increase brand awareness. 

In the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, audiences were amazed as Uruguayan star, Luis Suárez, was seen to bite Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini. The moment soon went viral and was spread widely throughout social media. 

Sensing a golden opportunity in this, Snickers reacted brilliantly by tweeting:

Still one of the best examples of moment marketing to this day. It has received over 44,000 retweets and 20,000 likes.

Burger King - Miss Universe

Steve Harvey became infamous in December 2015 when he announced the wrong contestant as the winner of the Miss Universe Content. This led to an awkward moment as the crown was taken away and, instead, placed on the correct contestant. 

Burger King made the most of this blunder and posted this tweet:

Twitter went mad, with the advert eventually gaining just under 50,000 retweets and 45,000 likes.

How can you use Moment Marketing?

As the examples show, moment marketing, when done right, can provide a massive boost to your awareness online.

So, how can you start to implement this as a strategy for your company?

Well, firstly, these the three examples of moment marketing demonstrate social media’s ability to allow content to go viral. This puts forward a strong indicator that, when a moment like this takes place, social media advertising is one of your best bets to distribute your viral-worthy content.

This can include both the use of organic advertising and, if you’re determined to increase reach and the potential for it to go viral, paid advertising.

In regards to how this relates to mobile advertising in particular, mobile is perhaps the reason this strategy is even effective at all. 

As a large event takes place on TV or at an event, be that a bite or a Miss Universe blunder, the first action a large percentage of audiences do is to look for reactions as well as to post their own.

In almost all cases, this will be done on the device closest to them - their mobile device. This, in turn, creates a spike of social media activity that can be utilised for your own marketing purposes.

With this strategy, the most important element is the speed in which you can react. With the immediacy of social media, even an hour of delay can put you at the back of a long line of marketing opportunists.

As well as this, you also need to focus on the relevance of your brand and the effectiveness of the advert.

Don’t be a try-hard, as some considered Audi to be as they responded to Netflix’s hit show “House of Cards” receiving an Emmy:

If your marketing team isn’t able to come up with something within a few minutes that resonates with your audience or your brand, it’s likely there isn’t something there to work with.

With all our examples, advertisers had direct relations with the event be that Snickers age-old marketing related to hunger and aggression or Emirates Airline’s link with United Airlines. If your brand doesn’t have that, you can’t create one without it coming across as just a little bit awkward. 

But, when a lightbulb hits and you’ve got an opportunity for your brand act fast, create something effective and utilise social media to distribute your content and hope for it to go viral.

Taking it further with Programmatic Mobile Display Advertising

If you’re really looking to make Moment Marketing a part of your advertising repertoire, a great place to boost your efforts is by utilising mobile display ads.

The example below is from Norwegian Airlines. Using the celebrity news of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s divorce, NA made the most of the opportunity to advertise the cost of their flights from the UK to LA.


Ad Example


This advert was shared not just on social media, but also on numerous websites and, most importantly, on a number of mobile apps and browsers.

As is Moment Marketing’s requirement for speed, this would have only been possible due to the fact programmatic can have an ad live in relevant areas within minutes.

This extra layer of attention created a much larger reach than social media alone could have achieved and helped bring the company out of obscurity in the UK and into the public eye.

If you’re looking for extra advice and tips on moment marketing, Targetoo are experts in the field. To find out more, go to our contact page.

What is an Ad Exchange?



The growth of online activity through mobile devices has been simply mind-blowing over the past 10-15 years. In fact, UK mobile media ad spend is now even greater than TV spend.

As such, advertisers are now always trying to find the best ways to promote their companies across multiple arenas. Ad Exchanges are one of the best sources to facilitate this.

The concept of ad exchanges can feel alien to the uninitiated, but they carry many benefits for advertisers, agencies, and ad middlemen. Here’s all you need to know about this increasingly popular field of digital marketing.


Ad Exchanges In A Nutshell

Ad Exchanges are a digital marketplace that offer advertisers a chance to buy ad inventory from publishers. Once purchased, the advertiser’s ad is displayed through various websites and apps.

Ad exchanges let advertisers see the sale prices of inventory. They also avoid the middleman - someone who has essentially bought inventories with a view only to sell them at a profit. Most commonly, these middlemen are ad network providers.

In its most basic form, ad exchanges are a tool that can be used to connect advertisers directly with publishers. Its purpose is to help both parties maximise their potential.


Who Is It For?

Ad exchanges allow access to hundreds of thousands of different publishers and the versitality of the technology means it can be utilised by companies of all sizes. From sole traders to global giants, this technology can be used for greater exposure.

Given that the market continues to grow from strength to strength, it’s a tool that is certain to last for years to come.   


How Do They Work?

Ad exchanges rely on a programmatic system that handles automatic buying and selling.

Publishers will place their available advertising space on a digital auction marketplace. This is most commonly done through SSPs (supply-side platforms). In turn, the buying advertiser will use a DSP (demand-side platform) to complete their purchases.

To recap, in it’s most basic sense, the process works as thus:       

  • Sellers place their advertising inventory onto the marketplace using SSPs
  • Advertisers access these inventories through a DSP
  • Advertisers then set automatic bidding to purchase the right quantity of impressions, at the right cost. These cover multiple mobile platforms, ensuring campaigns are spread out.      
  • Purchased impressions appear on the selling publisher’s content such as within apps or on their website


What Type Of Adverts Can Be Used?

One of the great things about digital marketing is that various types of ads can be utilised to bring a campaign to life. These can include display media, videos, banners and native ad formats.

When used properly, this opens up the chance to create a far greater impact on the intended consumers.

However, the bidding costs per impression may fluctuate depending on those choices. As such, advertisers have a huge responsibility to understand the market before entering the ad exchange arena. This allows them to know which formats are the most cost-effective to generate the best ROI possible.


Private Market Place (PMP) Explained

Generally speaking, advertisers bid on inventories from a public pool using a DSP. However, this isn’t the only way to facilitate mobile ad exchanges. There’s also an opportunity for private exchanges to be completed on a Private Market Place (PMP).

Publishers sometimes opt for a private exchange instead as they offer a few particular benefits.

For an advertiser, these benefits can include better pricing and targeting. The seller may also use this option to avoid the prospect of ad networks purchasing space with the sole purpose to sell it on.

Mobile publishers also benefit in that they can become certain their adverts are being displayed to relevant audiences. With millions of public ad exchanges taking place every single day, this is something only a PMP can facilitate

For both buyer and seller, being aware of the private selling platform is very useful.


Why use an Ad Exchange for your Mobile Advertising?

From an advertiser’s perspective, using ad exchanges for your mobile advertising is a great resource for many different reasons. Essentially, though, they ensure your company’s advertising budget is utilised in a more effective manner.

Ad exchanges enable the advertiser to run a campaign with a far greater array of targeting options. When you combine this with mobile advertising in particular you can make use of the extra information available such as specific geolocation targeting (using GPS) or access to more personal data available.

This ability to be more specific throughout those automatic ad placement purchases encourages greater targeting. This makes sure adverts are shown to the right people helping them to carry a far greater impact.

Thanks to the growing significance of mobile marketing, investing time and money in the most appropriate fashion is key and, ultimately, ad exchange technologies are the ideal solution.


If you’re interested in learning more about mobile ad exchanges and how we utilise them to increase your advertising ROI, get in touch.

Programmatic Advertising - a win-win for both Publishers and Advertisers

Programmatic Advertising for All

Our world is evolving fast and technology is the driving force behind it. Only a decade ago, the internet was accessible from a one location - your computer. Now, the web is accessible on a number of devices namely mobile devices like smartphone and tablets.

Because of this, publishers have made a conscious effort to make their content more user-friendly for mobile devices, including the creation of responsive websites and apps.

As well as this, digital media has become a very popular media used by publishers, advertisers and also end users. As per the IAB report, digital advertising has generated $60 billion revenue in 2016 alone and in 2017 it is expected we’ll see a further growth of 31.1%.

One of the reasons for this rapid growth is due to the transparency, technology and vast accessibility to target individual audiences that digital media has the ability to do.

This is a large contrast to the traditional media buying system, which can now be considered inefficient. It requires the lengthy process of manually purchasing inventory from publishers, which is necessary to be completed through manual bidding by the advertisers.

One of the drawbacks of this, in particular, was that it wasn’t possible to make the purchasing process more equally reliable to both advertisers and publishers.

Previously, it was much easier for publishers to manipulate and exploit advertisers by creating false demand. Even agencies influenced advertisers to pay more.

Because of this, advertisers always ended up on the losing team.

Since digital advertising was introduced, there has been the opportunity for developers or marketers to take this process to a digital or programmatic level.

In particular, tools such as RTB , DSP’s and SSP’s have allowed both parties to meet in a programmatic marketplace where publishers are able to sell their inventory in real time.  In this circumstance, the highest bidder wins inventory, meaning the advertiser is spending no more than is required, instead only paying as per the demand.

What makes this process so popular is the “second price auction”. This system has effectively secured and justified the pricing system.


Let me explain it a bit more.

“Second price auction” means the highest bidder wins but the price paid is the second-highest bid. For example, ‘A' has put a bid of $100 and ‘B' has put a bid of $150. In this circumstance ‘B' will win the auction but will only have to pay the price of ‘A' ($100).

With real time bidding RTB, advertisers place their demand or interest to purchase inventory with the help of their DSP, which is connected to the digital marketplace. This programmatic system ensures fair bidding and sets a fair price for inventory.

Because the system is fully programmatic, it comes with some extra facilities. The platform allows for advertisers to acquire vast knowledge on the end-user, which can be utilized to build a more detailed profile of their audience’s interests.

This information allows the adverts to set specific targets to the right demographics. This in turn helps to generate the best ROI and performance from a  campaign.

With this, both publishers and advertisers become the winners.

This win-win situation created by the programmatic system is attracting more advertisers to participate in the marketplace and is the secret behind the growth and success of this industry.

If you want to learn more about programmatic advertising and how you can use it to create amazing advertising ROI, get in touch. We specialise only with mobile programmatic advertising, making us the experts in our field.

Joshua Prottoy Adhikari
Manager, Country & Programmatic Ad-Operations

3 smart things you can do with Programmatic Mobile Advertising

Smart Programatic Mobile Advertising


Useful applications of programmatic mobile advertising anno 2017

For the experts this is nothing new, however for many other online marketers it is; clever applications provided by programmatic mobile advertising. What is possible and what to expect in terms of results?

Programmatic mobile advertising has many applications and offers a large amount of possibilities in terms of campaigns and strategy. Nevertheless, the marketing discipline is limited to display advertising, nothing more and nothing less. But is this still the case in 2017?


Device ID’s, WIFI hotspot and beacon synergy

Versatile DSP’s (Demand Side Platforms), whether based on a self-serve or managed service, offers the possibility to upload device ID’s and serve ads on relevant devices. Let’s take one step back: a device ID can be seen as a digital signature of an individual device or in other words, a consumer. These device ID’s can be observed and saved by beacons and WIFI hotspots. For example, by beacons in a retailer store or by WIFI hotspots of a university or restaurant. These device ID’s can then be uploaded into a DSP (Demand Side Platform). This enables ads to be served on the devices in question once a website or app is visited that the DSP can serve on – f.e. The Telegraph, BBC or The Guardian - (the use of a DSP, connected to many ad-exchanges is a must). The new location of the user ID is not limiting. Regardless of whether the device is in Asia, Canada or simply in The UK; if the device ID is collected in the McDonalds on the M5 an ad can be served (for example, with the address of the nearest McDonald’s in Canada). This simple application of technology has the power to convince advertisers/clients instantly.


Whitelisting in 2017

For almost every interest, hobby and situation an app or mobile web has been created. This generates opportunities that few agencies / advertisers – as of yet – embrace. Let’s take one step back again; a DSP (Demand Side Platform) can serve ads on roughly 200.000 individual apps and mobile sites. This ranges from upmost popular and well-known applications to somewhat more specific and relatively unknown applications. There are apps available for hairdressers, handymen, painters, art lovers, food fanatics, sports (-with all its subdivisions), furnishing, horse lovers, travel, gardening, children’s education, scuba diving, the moon and so on. This means that not only for brands in general - whitelists can be used, but also for specific products. If an advertiser wants to bring a new knife-set to the attention, it’s possible to serve ads in roughly 50 cooking-related applications and mobile sites. When an advertiser would like to bring healthcare to the attention of a relatively healthy group (with all its advantages), it’s possible to serve ads in about 150 sport and activity applications. If an advertiser would like to bring an insurance for water sports to the attention… you can feel it coming; it’s possible to serve ads in roughly 65 specific water sports related apps. Anyway, whitelisting; a well-known application of programmatic mobile advertising, but with the growth of it’s technology and reach; now more versatile and for practical use than ever.


Reaching an audience by serving ads on (extremely) specific locations

Reaching audiences through serving ads on specific locations is nothing new. This technique has been around for years. Nevertheless, also for this discipline it applies that with the growth of the overall market, the applications really come to life. Especially when a Demand Side Platform invests for years in connecting to dozens of mobile ad-exchanges / sources, a huge reach on hyperlocal scale to effect. A good DSP is connected to more than 30 adexchanges reaching f.e. The Telegraph, BBC and Youtube to Wordfeud and back to Spotify; almost all applications and mobile sites which allow ads, can be involved in a certain campaign. Why is this so important? If a client or advertiser wants to reach IT specialists, a good DSP offers to upload dozens of addresses from IT related companies (these addresses are relatively easy accessible). Next, when a device (or consumer) visits an application or mobile site that the DSP can serve on – while he or she is in a specific location (for example in the office of an IT company) – ads can be served. The essence remains that through the possibility of reaching thousands of applications and mobiles sites – on a hyperlocal scale – a necessary volume for a successful campaign is realized. Advanced platforms are able to upload more than 10.000 locations, creating huge amounts of traction.

We see the industry growing up. We see campaign options that are popular and widely used. Nevertheless, we are seeing less common campaign options gaining popularity fast. Simply because anno 2017 - the years of technological consolidation and hundred of thousands of publishers getting themselves reachable within the programmatic landscape – is finally paying off.

- Isua Botman

What is Mobile Native Advertising?

Mobile Native Advertising


Native mobile advertising has been a big discipline in the advertising world for a few years now. However, many business owners (and even many marketing experts) haven't fully got to grips with it.

As the digital world continues to become more mobile, advertising needs to keep up, to ensure that the correct audiences can be reached.

Native mobile advertising is an important part of that, and is the first step to making the most of it for your brand. Because of this, understanding it, is absolutely essential.


What Is Native Advertising?

Native advertising in the digital world refers to advertising that is unique to the platform it is on. It can be described as pushing commercial messages while these have the appearance of ‘normal’ content. For example, promoted tweets on Twitter or sponsored posts on Facebook are both examples of native advertising.

As well as within social media, mobile native advertising appears in feeds, content, commerce platforms, and even map applications and games.


What makes mobile native advertising so important?

When looking specifically at mobile’s influence on native advertising, it suddenly becomes an essential method that everyone should be using.

Firstly, one of the best greatest benefits is that it doesn't take long to get great content out there. In many cases, unless you want to specifically create something more complex, you’ll only need a quality image and a line or two of strong copy to create an advert.

Another advantage of using mobile native advertising is that ads tend to perform well and you often see higher rates of engagement with mobile native ads in comparison to banners. This is partly down to the fact users find them to be much less obtrusive, as the adverts better integrate with the organic content found on the app or website.

Because of this, the use of mobile native advertising is on the rise. This due to both its effectiveness as a medium and also the rise of mobile devices becoming the default for various tasks, including search, social media, apps, mobile games and more.


Different Categories of Mobile Native Advertising

As mentioned earlier, there are a number of places that mobile native advertising can be seen. The Mobile Marketing Association has identified a number of categories for mobile native advertising products including in-feed social, content and commerce advertising, as well as in-map, in-game, and paid search.

Each of these categories represents a different type of mobile advert and experience for the user:

  • In-feed social: These adverts include promoted content from advertisers, as well as certain users’ posts. An example is a Facebook ad where users are told how many of their friends currently “Like” the company’s page. This is a great way to build social proof and trust with consumers on these networks.
  • In-feed content: This incorporates editorial streams, feeds and walls shown within both unpaid (organic) and paid (sponsored) content. In this sense, content can mean music (Soundcloud), email inboxes (Gmail), videos (YouTube) and games, as well as written articles. With appropriate targeting and a strong ad, these can work well to gain interest from your intended audience.
  • In-feed commerce: Places like Amazon, Etsy and the Apple App Store all have feeds of organic product listings but they also have promoted products, which are usually at the top or made to stand out, in one way or another. These are great if you want to increase your reach within the big audiences these sites provide.
  • In-map content: These are adverts shown when you are looking through map applications, such as Google Maps, on your mobile. These can be organically generated business listings or native ads and are perfect for local businesses trying to capitalise on users looking for something in particular within the area.
  • In-game adverts: These ads are shown within game applications. Often, rewards (such as game currency) are provided for engaging with the advert, be that through click-through or watching the entire video. This is very common in “free-to-play” games such as Angry Birds and Clash of Clans and are good for targeting those already highly-engaged with their mobile device.
  • Paid search: This has existed on desktop for a long time and allows brands to place their ads in prominent places within search results. An example of this is with Google Adwords, where sponsored ads will show just above organic rankings. As you are displaying ads to those with specific search intent, it’s still very effective.


How Can You Use Mobile Advertising?

If you understand mobile native advertising then you should be convinced of its benefits. However, it’s essential you understand how to generate strong ROI and to do this quickly, while it’s growing, so you don't end up behind other brands.

Still, mastering the nuances of mobile native advertising and finding the right ways to use isn’t easy. Native-oriented ad exchanges help you gain access to the right resources and working with an advertising firm connected to these exchanges guarantees you’ll be able to create excellent, effective campaigns.


If you are looking to use mobile native advertising to increase your advertising ROI, Targetoo are experts in programmatic mobile advertising and can effectively guide you to creating the most efficient and high-performing adverts. If you would more information, get in touch.

What is Programmatic Advertising?

What is Programmatic Advertising?

Chances are you’ve heard of programmatic advertising. Agencies, blog posts, and marketers at conferences have been discussing this kind of advertising for some time. Programmatic has changed the game as we know it, and using it could change the way you advertise to your target audience.


What Is Programmatic Ad Buying?

The term ‘programmatic’ refers to the kind of software used to purchase digital advertising. The original process of purchasing advertising used elements like RFPs, negotiations, and manual orders. It used to be the case that people would have to make an agreement to run a certain number of ads with a publisher and stick to a contract. Programmatic Ad Buying allows for a far more efficient method, by using machines to buy ads in real time. This allows the automation of elements such as buying, placement, and optimization of the media inventory using a bidding system.


What Is Programmatic Advertising?

To answer your question, programmatic advertising is method of using an automated system to purchase relevant ad space. This process is pretty much instantaneous and, depending on the criteria you set, can easily purchase 1,000’s of ad inventory in less than a second.

To ensure relevancy, the database that programmatic advertising uses contains aspects such as gender, age, and location to ensure you will be sending your ads out to the right kind of people.

For example a programmatic advertising campaign for a bike shop may automatically purchase inventory on places such as Cycling Weekly.


Why Do People Use Programmatic Advertising?

This is usually thought of as an advantage over the traditional method of speaking directly with salespeople who would purchase the ad space manually. Because of this, it provides a few main advantages.

Firstly, the time that was originally needed for a campaign to be set up has been cut down drastically. Before numerous meetings were required that spent days of time before ad space was then manually purchased. Programmatic advertising is instant.

Secondly, whoever wants to run the campaign has far greater control over targeting. Using an interface, the advertiser can choose everything from age, gender, location, interests and much more with just a press of a button.

Finally, it saves a lot of money as the “middlemen” are now redundant.

This, therefore provides an option that is superior in function and, as a result, more economical.


Is There a Difference Between Programmatic Advertising And Real Time Bidding?

Real-time bidding is a type of programmatic ad buying, but it isn’t the only kind. RTB is essentially the buying of ads through real-time auctions. Programmatic software will allow advertisers to buy guaranteed ad impressions in advance from publisher sites. This method of buying is usually called programmatic direct.


What About Programmatic RTB (Real-Time Buying) and DSPs?

Programmatic RTB is different to PPC, as it’s used only for display advertising. It’s an automated way of dealing with media that’s bought and sold via technology platforms in real-time. The process of RTB is set so that publishers make the space available for brands and advertisers before bidding takes place.  RTB also comes into play when there are different variables to consider, like the types of people, price etc.

It’s also worth noting DSPs. A DSP is a Demand Side Platform. This is where an online system allows buyers of internet-based advertising inventory to trade, manage, and bid in real time for the cost of display ads. A DSP system also allows analysis of performance metrics, such as cost per click or cost per action. This allows for superior optimization of your ad campaigns, thanks to real-time bidding on ads and the ability to track your results accurately.

You can even obtain information about ad frequency, place ads in rich media formats, and in some cases, the system includes video tracking. DSPs are unique as they incorporate many of the same elements offered by advertising networks, such as wide access to inventory and vertical/lateral targeting. However, with DSPs, advertisers can truly maximise and control the impact that their ads have on their audience.


What Does Programmatic Look Like In Real Life?

You’re on the internet and you’re waiting the few milliseconds it takes for a page to load. This page will usually have space for an advert. Information that has been gathered about you based on your web behaviour and the context of the site is sent back and forth to an ad exchange. The ad is then placed on the page. The ad is auctioned to the highest bidder and it is their ad that is then shown in this space. This complicated process is all completed in the time it takes for a page to load, with absolutely no effect created on your user experience.


How Do You Know If An Ad Is Programmatic?

You can’t really ‘know’ for certain. If you feel an ad is targeted perfectly to you, and is seemingly designed for you to click on it, it’s probably programmatic. The opposite for this is are ads commonly referred to as ‘spray and pray display’. This is where advertisers simply rely on the volume of ads they put out and try to spread the message as far as possible. It’s worth considering that this strategy can be effective for brand awareness and ‘getting the word out’ but, being less specifically targeted, will almost certainly provide a lower conversion rate.


So, Does That Mean This is The Future Of Ad Buying?

Programmatic ad buying is on the rise, and this could very well mean it will be the future of ad buying. There’s no real way to tell what proportion of ads are purchased programmatically, however, the IAB has estimated that by 2018 money spent on programmatic advertising will have grown to more than 80%. This is compared to just 28% in 2013. Some brands say they want to buy as much as possible through programmatic buying, and some have even built up teams in-house to take care of it all for them. Mainly online ads are traded this way at the minute, but more and more companies are trying to find ways to sell traditional media in this manner, like TV spots.

Programmatic advertising could be a great way to target your audience more effectively with your advertisements and get more conversions in the process.


provides effective, accessible training and access to the elements of Programmatic, RTB and DSPs. If you’re interested, find more information about our training or get in touch by using our contact details.

What Is RTB?

what is rtb

RTB has become something of a phenomenon in modern day online advertising yet, many people are still unsure what it really is. Throughout this article, we answer any questions you may have regarding this topic and help to you towards understanding RTB and how it’s used in online advertising.

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What Is RTB?

RTB or “Real-Time Bidding”, refers to the buying and selling of online ad impressions. What makes it unique to other methods is that you bid via real-time auctions. These auctions will take place in the time it takes for a webpage or app to load, which - when you think about it - is incredible. You’ll also find that real-time auctions have to be aided by someone. In most cases, supply side platforms or ad exchanges are responsible for the setting up of these auctions while a Demand Side Platform is able to ‘bid’ and win on the impressions.


What Is an Impression?

An impression is another way of saying a view of your ad. It is logged each time an advertisement is loaded up on a person’s device. Using impressions, you can work out the number of times your advert has been shown, as well as your CTR and conversion rate.


How Does RTB Work?

The process of RTB advertising lasts mere milliseconds. Everything that is discussed below happens in those precious moments when a user loads up a webpage with an ad impression on it.

At some point during the average internet user’s day, they’ll load a website or open an app that has at least one ad impression on it. While this ad impression is loading up, large amounts of information is being passed to an ad exchange, which then auctions off the impression to the highest bidder.

All of this happens behind the scenes and in real-time. The information passed on will include elements like the webpage the impression is on, as well as details of the user that is on the page.

The winning bidder (using a Demand Side Platform) will then have their advert loaded up onto the page instantly. From the user’s perspective, nothing has happened. They’ve clicked on a page and been greeted with a highly relevant advertisement.

Because of this, advertisers use a RTB platform to bid on ad impressions that will be most effective for them. A good example of this is an advertiser working for a company that sells cooking utensils. If they get information from an ad exchange that a user interested in food is looking at cooking recipes online, this will be deemed a suitable impression and a bid will be placed to get their advert placed in front of them.


How can a DSP help?

More often than not, advertisers use demand-side platforms (DSPs) to help figure out which ad impressions they should purchase and for how much. DSPs can find ad impressions based on various contributing factors. This includes information such as the site the impression is on, the previous internet history of the user loading the ads, etc. These factors have a bearing on how much someone should bid on the ad impression too.

For example, if a user has previously been on your site and made a purchase, then you should be more inclined to pay top dollar to serve an ad to them. As a previous/existing customer, your ad will more likely have an effect on them than someone that’s never been on your site before.

Impressions are priced depending on how much people are willing to pay for them. Someone may start by bidding $1, and then others join in until a price is reached where no one else bids higher. Consequently, there is never a set price for a particular ad - it all depends on the real-time bidding process.


What’s The Purpose Of RTB?

The main purpose of real-time bidding is that it allows advertisers to target ads towards users, rather than looking at specific websites. In the past, if you had a certain market to reach, you’d look for websites where your audience is most likely to be. With RTB, you can use DSPs to directly find your target market, and serve them an ad no matter where they are.


Is RTB Good For Advertisers?

In short, yes, RTB is very good for advertisers. As well as being able to target their ads to the people that matter, they also see another main benefit. Real-time bidding is simply the most efficient way of buying ads. You don’t need to wait for anyone, or negotiate prices with companies.

By using ad exchanges and DSP’s, you can bid on ads in milliseconds and ensure you find the right ones for you. There’s less chance of buying impressions that are wasted on users that aren’t your target market too.  Plus, you don’t need human negotiators to find and buy ads either. This allows it to be better on your budget, too.

We hope this guide has provided you with a better understanding of RTB advertising. The actual process is complex and lasts under a second, but the concept is simple.

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If you are interested in learning more, Targetoo provide accessible training and teaching on RTB. For anything else, get in touch with us by using our contact details.

How will AI improve your Mobile Advertising campaign?

Mobile Advertising campaign

Artificial Intelligence. A term that has grasped the world's attention, but why has it grasped our attention? Because whilst AI has the potential to be extremely beneficial to us, it also carries the potential to be damaging. In regards to your Mobile Advertising campaign, however, AI is mostly going to be a good thing.

Here's why.

When launching your mobile advertising campaign, in most cases, the goal is to achieve results that increase popularity, profit or something in between. When using a good Demand Side Platform - either via self-serve or managed functionality - an algorithm can optimise towards the conversion (whatever this conversion may be). This algorithm learns and performs actions based on results achieved in the past and, in this context, ‘the past’ is a relative term because it can actually mean a few milli-seconds ago.

Let’s take a step back. Especially in mobile advertising, optimising algorithms have a lot of variables to optimise on. A smartphone, for example, is very personal and as such, mobile advertising campaigns can be targeted to specific audiences. A good algorithm collects data and learns from every second that a campaign is live; it detects in which situation the owner of the smartphone in question is most likely to convert and autonomously adjusts it’s targeting behaviour based on that. A conversion nearly always comes from a specific origin, or – as you would call it – a specific situation in which the owner of the device converts. Without adding a scale of importance, the following variables are at play:

  • AdExchange
  • Publisher
  • Device (type/make/model)
  • App/website placement
  • Ad Size / Dimensions
  • Creative type
  • Day of the week
  • Hour of the day
  • Type of device
  • Operating system

Additionally, specific demographic variables can be targeted, using 3rd party data. The combination of these variables produces an almost infinite amount of options. Luckily, an algorithm is here to help us and Artificial Intelligence is here to help us.

So, the algorithm accounts for and checks these variables. This can happen before a campaign starts (based on results of campaigns in the past). With that, in almost all cases, the starting point is more effective. Secondarily, the algorithm optimises and learns as the campaign progresses.


‘Being that we are a Programmatic Advertising Specialist (Targetoo); we have witnessed some very interesting data and have seen very strange mobile behaviour. For example, location has a huge influence on conversion. We have seen that Product A performs well in certain areas of a city, on a specific model of phone; whilst a totally different product performs well in the same area/location, but on a different type of phone.

Also, it is important to bear in mind that the time of the day has a huge influence on conversions. It would be impossible to optimise manually being that there are so many variables in mobile display advertising to optimise on. We simply have to use a learning algorithm, or Artificial Intelligence, if you can call it that. Because the algorithm optimises to the best setting possible – autonomously - this technology exists in the first place. Again; without it we would be nowhere.’ -

Isua Botman, Founder of Targetoo


Programmatic Mobile Advertising is one of the few widely-accepted fields in which Artificial Intelligence is starting to become beneficial. The people involved, who are developing these algorithms, are competitively trying to add new variables and patterns. Staying ahead of the game is a goal for those involved.

As beautiful as it is dangerous - the commercial thrive of creating the best performing algorithm (in most cases based on the discipline of Logistic Regression), is adding intelligence with every improvement.

That being said, the activity of major digital companies (or conglomerates) like Microsoft, Apple, Google and Facebook – concerning Artificial Intelligence, is on another level.


‘It’s these companies who have to take care and responsibility on the AI they develop – there will be a point at which AI will exceed us, humans.

Personally, I love the idea of merging a human with AI; possibly it would mean our human bodies or minds will receive enhanced intelligence and memory. Perhaps we’ll even be able to tap right into all available data that we as humankind possess, by simply just thinking.

We’ll see.

For now; current signs of AI are beneficial. Because a smartphone has so many variables – or behaviours – to target on, AI falls right into place when it comes down to mobile programmatic advertising. More than ever, it’s flourishing.’

Remon Pepers (CTO of Targetoo)

What is a Mobile DSP?

What is Mobile DSP


What is a Mobile DSP?

A Mobile DSP is a Demand Side Platform that has developed to the complex eco-system of mobile advertising. The platform allows you to serve your (or your client’s) ads on over two-hundred thousand different apps and mobile websites.

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What are the benefits?

The benefit of exclusively dealing with mobile devices is their ability to provide large amounts of information. This includes elements such as location, age, demographics, interests and is provided through a mixture of GPS and collected app information. This allows companies to utilize more specific targeting tools that result in highly personalised, effective mobile advertising.

As well as superior targeting, mobile also allows the opportunity to design more creative advertising. For example, it is becoming increasingly common to see mobile ads that implement interactivity and responsiveness. 

Finally, only Mobile DSPs can offer in-app advertising. With companies increasingly focusing on app experience as opposed to mobile web browsing, this demonstrates a great advantage desktop DSPs.


Is there anything to back this up?

This interest in mobile advertising is backed up by numerous reports, including this one, that shows mobile advertising spend for 2016 was double that of 2015.

As well as this, since Google’s Mobile Friendly Update, there has been a clear intention from major search engines to capitalize on the increasing number of mobile users.


How does it work?

A Mobile DSP integrates with a mobile ad exchange (an example being Google DoubleClick), which then allows access to millions of ad impressions. After this, the process of finding and buying the right ads is completed almost instantaneously due to the process of real-time bidding.

In the past, this entire process would have taken significant amounts of time, requiring manual input, scores of meetings and days of waiting for that resulted in a loss of revenue and efficiency.

As well as the quick speed, you can to add stipulations before the process takes place that will prevent your advert being shown on websites you consider irrelevant or detrimental, such as alcohol or gambling.


What other benefits are there of a Mobile DSP?

There are a large number of advantages, when it comes to using a Mobile DSP. The below are just a few of many.


1. Highly-detailed reporting

Your ability to see effective reporting is essential to determine what can be done in the future. Because of the large source of information available, Mobile DSPs can be used to create highly detailed analysis and reports.

With the variety of data, they can also adapting for different people. For example, financial reporting can be sent to FDs, conversion rates and CTR to marketing and generated revenue and top-level information to CEOs and MDs.


2. Improved retargeting

Retargeting can be accomplished very efficient because of the way a Mobile DSP works. They can specifically target those that have performed certain actions, for example, visited your website, purchased in the last month or left your contact page without leaving their details.

As well as this, it can also be applied to a location by setting up geo-fences so, for example, every time somebody opens an app in a particular area, retargeting can be performed.

This allows you to advertise more effectively to higher-qualified leads, which in turn increases your ROI and conversion rate.


3. Automated real-time bidding (RTB)

One of the most challenging aspects of paid search and online marketing is the necessity to manage it. With Google Adwords, for example, there requires a significant amount of time management to ensure there isn’t sub-par performance.

Mobile DSPs can to negate this by having structured and intelligent KPIs in place, which are dynamic to the requirements of the campaign. Through this you can save on the one resource that matters most - your time.

Examples of KPIs include eCPC (effective cost per click) and eCPA (effective cost per action). Both of these allow you to run your campaign as efficiently as can be, generating the maximum ROI while requiring less work.

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Targetoo in the Telegraph


The digital transformation of online marketing, specifically mobile advertising, is happening at an increasing pace. An interview with Remon Pepers, CTO & Ramona Kalloe, client partner.

Where we would normally spend hours or days of preparation to set up and run marketing campaigns online, we can now do so by the switch of a button – completely automated. Through real-time-bidding (RTB), advertisers can reach out to thousands of publishers at a time, applying a range of targeting variables to increase the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.


Targetoo opens new office in Berlin

Berlin Office Targetoo

Mobile DSP pionier gelooft in de kracht van specialisatie.

De opening van de Berlijn vestiging is in lijn met de groeistrategie van Targetoo. In die strategie staat de inzet van locale expertise centraal, verklaart Isua Botman, oprichter van Targetoo. 'We kennen de premium publishers en zijn inmiddels aangesloten op drie ad-exchanges met veel Duitse inventory.’


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Meanwhile at Targetoo

discussion at targetoo

In just one year, Targetoo went from having two employees to twelve and opened offices in London, Amsterdam and Barcelona. What is the secret behind mobile advertising specialist Targetoo?

This young and dynamic company Targetoo (located on Devonshire Square in London) strongly believes in a no-nonsense approach and therefore is not afraid for confrontation with the ‘establishment’.

Targetoo Mobile DSP advertises and positions itself as a trend breaking company in the mobile real-time-bidding sector. It does not invest millions into their own DSP-platform, but instead opts for a simple partnership with a developing party in Spain. “Because our DSP is made in Spain, we do not need to recoup North-European wages. In addition, the platform has more targeting variables in comparison to - North European and American - competing platforms. In reality, we offer more competitive prices and features. We have already made quite an impression on the other established companies within the industry and this is something we are very proud of”, says Ramona Kalloe, together with Remon Pepers founder of this young UK-based group of professionals.


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Moment Marketing – TV And Offline Sync

moment marketing

As the time spent on mobile devices is growing rapidly, up by 117% in 2015 compared to 2014, digital advertising has become more and more popular among advertising companies. Digital is becoming the most used media in the world allowing companies to target consumers directly through advertising on mobile web and applications. We as Targetoo have adapted to the growth of digital advertising, creating a DSP connected with 21 ad exchanges allowing companies to precisely target their costumers.

However, as most companies are still significantly dependent on offline advertising, there has been a gap between offline and online advertising. Yet, startup TVTY has been able to provide advertising companies with a bridge to close this gap by utilizing the power of moment marketing.


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Out Of Home & Location Based Mobile Marketing. Perfect match?

Location Based Mobile Marketing

Out Of Home & Location Based Mobile Marketing: de ideale match?

Guy Grimmelt (Exterion Media): ‘Mediakanalen moeten elkaar aanvullen en versterken’

Begin 2014 is Exterion Media (voorheen CBS Outdoor) de samenwerking aangegaan met Targetoo. Het doel was om zodoende de kennis en dominantie op het gebied van Outdoor verder uit te breiden door ook Mobile advertising toe te voegen aan het bereik buitenshuis. Dit heeft inmiddels geleid tot tientallen campagnes waarbij een combinatie is gemaakt van buitenreclame en mobile advertising. Exterion Media en Targetoo verwachten met de opgedane kennis en ervaring een flinke voorsprong op de concurrentie te hebben.



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Location Based Mobile Advertising 2.0

location based mobile advertising

Met aansluitingen op alle mobile adexchanges laat start-up Agency/DSP Targetoo zien dat Location Based Mobile Advertising (LBMA) vaak rendabel is voor de adverteerder.

LBMA wordt door veel marketeers gezien als de toekomst van (mobiel) adverteren. Toch, in zowel binnen en buitenland ontbreekt het aan concrete succescases en een duidelijk gedefinieerd product. ‘Het probleem is een gebrek aan bereik op hyperlokaal niveau’, aldus Isua Botman, oprichter van Targetoo.


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'Performance-Based Display campaigns Are Profitable'

targetoo dsp banner

Een interview met Isua Botman, directeur van Targetoo Mobile Marketing.

Hoewel performance-based displaycampagnes op mobile devices steeds worden gebruikt, lijken ze nauwelijks rendabel. Isua Botman, directeur van Targetoo legt uit hoe dit komt en wat er aan te doen is. Zijn performance based-campagnes rendabel?‘Mobile inventory is goedkoop en de impressie is veel waard...


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